Dear Penn Freshmen,
Welcome, welcome! We're so glad you're here.
“Dear Penn Freshmen” is a collection of letters written by Penn upperclassmen addressing their freshman year selves about things they wish they knew in their first year. This project is the brainchild of Adam Grant’s 2016 Organizational Behavior class, was restarted in 2018, and is back in 2019 with a wave of fresh letters written by current students.
These notes are filled with advice, anecdotes, and random thoughts in hopes that our experiences will make readers’ first year at Penn just a tad bit easier. Freshmen, rest assured - feeling lonely, dropping pre-med, or not ‘going Greek’ doesn’t mean the world is ending. Along the way, we hope our words will inspire a renewed environment built on curiosity, kindness, and humility and prioritize laughter, health, and the little things.
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Upperclassmen - if you’re looking to pay it forward with some wonderful advice let us know, and we’ll get you on board!
Freshmen - read on, and let us know what you think. Freshmen year can be tough. Trust us, we’ve been there, which inspires us to share our stories, struggles, and joys. We realize we're not much wiser or smarter than you, simply older and with a few semesters here under our belt. We want to help. Please let us know how we can.
The 2019 Dear Penn Freshmen Team (on behalf of all Upperclassmen)
Class of 2019: Beatriz Go, Debbie Rabinovich, Elise Reynolds, Gretchen Bednarz, Nikki Lin & Savi Joshi
Class of 2020: Lisa Yang
We'd love to hear from you!
A sincere gratitude for Lauren McCann (W'16), founder of Dear Penn Freshmen, for launching this movement in 2016 and supporting its comeback in 2018, to Adam Grant for his endless generosity, to Serena Bian (C’18) and Savi Joshi (W’19) for continuing the initiative, to our wise upperclassmen behind these letters, and to freshmen, whose kind hearts and keen foresight will guide them along this journey ahead. Just keep swimming!
P.S. We’re hoping to continue the initiative next year! Please let us know if you’d be interested in joining the team behind this initiative!